If you have hearing difficulties, please notify the teacher/facilitator. We have a PA system that can be used.

Please refrain from wearing scented products (natural or unnatural) as some people are allergic.

Mondays 6:00 - 7:15 PM - Meditating in Community - led by Blake Barton

This class meets in-person. It is also offered in a hybrid format, so you can also choose to attend from home via Zoom. Each class will consist of a 30 minute guided meditation exploring a variety of mindfulness meditation techniques, followed by a short talk on a meditation or mindfulness related topic. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A and discussions. This ongoing class is suitable for beginners or experienced students.

More Details

Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:15 AM - Immerse Yourself in Mindfulness Yoga. In-person at TCMC. Led by Lorelei, a certified yoga teacher

Mindfulness Yoga allows us to experience the adventure of living in the Present moment, thereby enjoying calmness of mind (including feelings) and compassion for the body. More Details

Tuesdays 5:00 - 5:50 PM Peer Led Silent Sit. In-person at TCMC

All are invited to a silent, in-person sit led by Barry Reflow with assistance from Molly McKasson.  This is an opportunity to return to our meditation hall, deepen our commitment to the practice, and help create an environment that strengthens everyone's practice. More Details

Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15 PM Art of Thriving led by Bonnie Colby

This class will be meeting online until further notice and will not be meeting in person. The next class series starts in August 2024.  More Details

Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:45 PM - Immerse Yourself in Mindfulness Yoga. In-person at TCMC. Led by Lorelei, a certified yoga teacher

Mindfulness Yoga allows us to experience the adventure of living in the Present moment, thereby enjoying calmness of mind (including feelings) and compassion for the body. More Details

Wednesdays  6:30 - 7:30 or 8:00 PM - Mindfulness and Loving Kindness  - led by Chuong Tran

This class is now meeting in-person every other week from 7:00-8:00 pm.  On the other weeks it meets from 6:30-7:30 pm. Please see the TCMC schedule to determine if it is meeting in-person or online this week.
This approach to meditation is based on " The Five Ways " of Shinzen Young, which encourages the practice of creativity and Love. All are welcome.  Class Details

Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30 PM - Befriending Oneself Through Mindfulness and Meditation -  A Compassionate, Body-Centered Approach to Happiness - led by Nick Van Kleeck

This class meets online.  In this class, you will learn to relax your body, settle your mind and trust the inherent wisdom within you through meditation and other mindfulness techniques. By bringing a gentle awareness to your experience, you can discover your innate capacity for freedom and awaken a natural openness and generosity of spirit.  Class Details

Sundays 8:30 - 9:30 am - Classic Sunday Morning Silent Sit

TCMC has resumed the classic silent sits that we conducted for years. This is a great opportunity to sit together in-person. Only on the 2nd, 4th and 5th (if applicable) Sundays of the month.
More Information

Sundays 2:30-3:30 pm -  BIPOC Peer-led Practice Group

This is a practice group for people who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). The 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. More Information