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Art of Thriving ~ Together

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Learn to skillfully meet challenges & fully savor enjoyable moments. Draw upon neuroscience insights to cultivate thriving & connections. Meditative practices support individual & community well-being.


restorative practices, grounded in modern neuroscience


Class explores practices we can use in the midst of everyday life to help us become calm & clear*. Enlivening and valuable for both beginning & experienced meditators.

Guided practices, followed by optional discussion


Make a home for yourself inside of yourself…

Joanna Macy meditation teacher, activist & beloved elder


Tuesdays 6:30-7:20 PM MST (AZ) Check TCMC website for occasional breaks in schedule.

In person at Tucson Community Meditation Center and by Zoom (hybrid offering). Pre-registration required for both in-person & Zoom attendees.

The Zoom link has changed for the March 25, and April 1,8,15,22 classes. Please register below to get the latest Zoom link for those classes.

Register at

Zoom link and directions for in-person participation provided via email after registration.

Optional donations to Tucson Community Meditation Center gratefully accepted.

*Calm & clear comes from balanced nervous system; linked to cognitive & physical health and to our capacity to rebound, connect & collaborate. Class includes Heart Rhythm Meditation & other practices for nervous system balance.


Art of Thriving teacher: Bonnie Colby, PhD, meditation teacher & university professor

Bonnie2022 Bonnie is grateful for 40 years of contemplative practice. She honors restorative practices of world cultures, learned in decades of work with diverse groups addressing conflicts & building peace. She has provided expert testimony and trainings to indigenous councils, public agencies & the U.S. Congress. Since 1998, Dr. Colby has taught meditation classes & workshops that deepen vitality, connection & resilience. She lives in Tucson with her husband Ted. Bonnie is a trauma-informed meditation teacher and a Mental Health First Aid Instructor, with a background in restorative movement. She serves as teacher, mentor & retreat guide with Institute of Applied Meditation. Dr. Colby values professional trainings with, Continuum, Capacitar International & Unified Mindfulness. She longs for us each to taste how meditation vibrantly infuses everyday life.